Sunday, September 14, 2014

Running in the Rain with my Amazing ICloud Running Group Family

Twila, Doc Cindy & Dianne infront of Lucban Municipal Plaza
This morning, we ran 25K what we so called a 2 dozen kilometers under the rain in a bad weather due to typhoon Luis. I just woke up early to run this LSD with my amazing running family Jeric, Boyet, Doc Cindy, Twila, Dianne, Michael, Red, Andrew and Papong. Some of our group family members didn't come for some reasons, hope you guys will join us next time. Anyway, Lucena City to Lucban, Quezon is a pretty hilly route from start to finish particularly Tayabas to Lucban. We ran a little bit slower than usual under the rain and windy morning. It’s so beautiful seeing again the majestic Mt. Banahaw in a foggy morning that it’s hard to complain at all and that was pretty special.
Boys infront of Lucban Municipal Plaza

Ako lang naman :)
Our group didn't usually catch inside in a rain storm in so long. And you know what? It felt so damn good. When we realized we’re about to get absolutely soaked as the rain got harder, we smiled. We enjoyed every single second. We ran slower than normal. We could feel our shoes and socks squishing around but we didn’t care jumping some wet patch, ponds then play and just laugh and keep running. Every now and then you have to go out into the rain to run, even when it’s cold and the road is wet. Running in the rain sometimes will make your skin chafes and blisters and it’s so awkward to other people see you running while raining. But it still gives you more something to learn. It retells us the happiness of the best moments in running, like when we were a child, we keep running in spite of the bad weather, and mostly the weather makes it better. That's how we felt.
Group photo @ 7-11 Tayabas City
What we wanted to express is the happiness that running brings us. And we hope by sharing this we can inspire other people to run, feel the happiness, show gratefulness, live a happier, healthier and have a better life. 

photo credit: Twila Starr + Red

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pagsanjan Falls Getaway...

I with my running friends Alain, Jeric and Doc Cindy decided to take a weekend break to wash away our stress in our daily work – and that is going to Pagsanjan Falls.

Diego (me), Jeric, Doc Cindy and Alain taking a souvenir shot
Though the waterfalls is named as “Pagsanjan”, the falls is actually not located in the town of Pagsanjan but in Cavinti. The locals called it as Cavinti Falls. However, it is more popularly known as Pagsanjan Falls. But for us, it doesn't matter whether the waterfalls is in Cavinti or Pagsanjan. There are 2 routes available for tourists to reach this beautiful work of nature.

Pagsanjan Route- The most popular option for travelers to reach the falls, that starts from any of the resorts along Balanac and Bumbungan rivers through riding a wooden boat known as “Shooting the Rapids” paddled by 2 skilled and licensed boatmen (bangkeros).
Arriving tourists riding a shooting rapid (boat) via Pagsanjan Route
Cavinti Route - For those who loves adventure (just like us), the Cavinti route offers a chance to hike/trek and rappel to reach the location of the falls. The vertical trek includes a downward climb on a steep steel ladder for the tourist to reach the falls. A floating bamboo raft at the bottom will take the tourists to the “devil’s cave” located behind the cascading curtains of the main falls.

Relaxing near the registration center at Pueblo El Salvador before trekking to the falls.
We decided to take the Cavinti route. As part of our journey, here is our actual itinerary:

Itinerary via Cavinti, Laguna Route
May 4, 2014

05:30 AM      Meet-up at 7-11 Lucena Bayan
05:54 AM      ETD Lucena to Lucban, Quezon
06:41 AM      ETA Lucban, Quezon stop over ate some pancit habhab
07:00 AM      ETD Lucban, Quezon to Cavinti
07:20 AM      ETA Luisiana, Laguna
07:49 AM      ETA Pueblo EL Salvador Cavinti Nature's Park & Picnic Grove, Rest, Take Brunch.
08:00 AM      Start Trek, Rappel.
08:30 AM      ETA Magdapio Falls (a.k.a. Pagsanjan Falls), Photo-ops.
11:30 AM      ETD Magdapio Falls, Start Back Track.
12:01 PM      ETA Pueblo EL Salvador Cavinti Nature's Park & Picnic Grove, Rest, Snacks, Tidy up.
12:30 PM      ETD Pueblo EL Salvador Cavinti Nature's Park & Picnic Grove, Take a side trip to Lake Caliraya, Cavinti
12:40 PM      ETA Lake Caliraya
01:00 PM      ETD Lake Caliraya to Kamayan sa Palaisdaan, Tayabas Quezon
02:00 PM      ETA Kamayan sa Palaisdaan, Tayabas, Quezon (Food Trip)
03:00 PM      ETD Kamayan sa Palaisdaan to Lucena
03:30 PM      ETA Lucena board Manila bound Bus (w/ Alain).
Eating Lucban Pancit Habhab before going to Cavinti
Excited @ the registration center
We started our trek to the falls with the tour guide named Dennis, after paying a Php 270.00 each for Pueblo El Salvador Entrance, Environmental and Guide ship Fee. Approximately, after a 15 minute concrete-paved trek, not all are well-paved some are trails, we entered the forest. We started to hear the splashing sound of the water from the water falls. After a couple of minutes of trekking, the steel ladder trek started at the Statue of El Pueblo and we have to wear a safety harness going down the cylindrical tube with steps.
Doc Cindy rappelling down through the cylindrical tube
Jeric poses after rappelling
The route is very challenging and full of adventure. And this is not for fainthearted person because you will pass 2 stations where you need to rappel in 90 degrees point  (twice) to get down. During that time, it was very difficult because the trail was so slippery because of the rainfalls.  The stairs are getting sharp and steeper until we finally reached the stunning beauty of Pagsanjan Falls. And take note that the most challenging episode of this journey is when going back.
Walking down with the metal ladder

Alain rappelling in 90degrees point

All of us got so excited when we were approaching the falls, Jeric was already shouting out of excitement like WHOA!!!! YAHOO!!! Then after the last scary stairs we walk down with almost 60%-70% inclined ---- We finally see what we’re looking for after our challenging experience. The stunning Pagsanjan Falls!!! And of course our visit is not complete without the raft ride experience going to the waterfalls curtain to the devils cave beneath the falls. It was like a natural massage with a bit of pressure because water falls down on our heads.

Bankeros (botmen) seen in the upper view before going down near the falls
Post arrival pose :)
Ready to climb the cylindrical tube

Riding at the Bamboo Raft
Swimming @ the falls

Thank you Alain for this photo

Souvenir shot before going to the Devil's cave beneath the falls
Trekking back

Side trip: Caliraya Lake
Our reward: Dining at Kamayan sa Palaisdaan, Tayabas, Quezon

Over all, it was really fun!!! We really enjoyed and our hard work paid off because of the gratifying chance to see the beauty of Pagsanjan Falls plus the trekking, climbing, rappelling, rafting, passing through the falls to devil’s cave and swimming; it was one heck of a memorable experience. It’s worth the sweat!